[J.C. Watts Enslin <***@charter.net>]
[Thu, 2 Dec 2010 18:09:11 -0800 (PST)]
: > : > Grow up. Seriously. Tools.
: >
: > : were they meen to leborn?
: >
: > They're trying to be, but honestly they just look pathetic.
: I mean, they're just booing. If they were being clever it would be
: one thing...
They've tried to get a few chants going, but those sound half-hearted:
2. "A-kron hates you!" (ummm... sure?)
The signs are lame, the outrage is laughable, and they're getting
stomped (down by 19 at the half, and it's not that close). Seems to be
about right to me; they can't even get the jilted lover routine correct.
Antonio Veranos
What color does a smurf go when you choke it?